Them blogs, they’re a coming…

I’m sitting here now with my leg in a cast at home at the Coach and Horses instead of being at work, at a brewery, where I belong. This is because my Achilles tendon decided to snap on me a fortnight ago at pre-season rugby training. Not happy. There has been some sleepless nights, some soul-searching, even a grandiose wipeout from my crutches (hopefully my tendon stitches are still firmly in place) and I’ve resigned myself to the fact that my life is probably going to be slightly different for the next 6 months or so.ย  The flipside is that I can catch up on my blogs!

So much to write! The brewing of the Epic Thornbridge Stout with Luke Nicholas over in New Zealand, attending the Pre-ZBF festival in Belgium, heading over to the World Beer Cup to judge and attend the US Craft Brewers Conference, the brewing of Pollards, our new coffee milk stout, the Jaipur 5 year anniversary tour… so many tales to bore you all with!

They’re a coming…

8 thoughts on “Them blogs, they’re a coming…

  1. Blimey, rugby injury before the season starts, even my lad canโ€™t manage that โ€” get walking soon and look forward to some good blogs.

  2. I had a pint of the coffee milk stout in the Sheffield Tap last night. Dangerously tasty and drinkable! Even my wife, who usually can’t stand darker beers at all thought it was great.

    • Awesome to hear, I was really trying to acheive something that tasted like a nice, sweet, cool coffee without the harsh bitterness or astringency that coffee sometimes give. Hopefully, I’ve succeeded!

  3. Ah crutches. Brings back memories… Being confined to the limited area around the glasses-tokens-area on pre-ZBF and being unable to hobble up the stairs to the castle.
    Sympathies from Belgium, but let’s face it: The Coach & Horses isn’t such a bad place to be stuck in for a couple of weeks/months… ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Looking forward to your pre-ZBF report, and we wish you a speedy recovery!

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