The Birth of a Brewery Part Two

The long awaited sequel to my debut film. That’s right, the oh-so-imaginatively named Birth of a Brewery Part One. This time, I got inventive and changed the name from Part One to Part Two. The reason for this is so people could differentiate between the movies and also so I could write an introduction that included a bit of sarcasm.

In reality though, we all know that Back to the Future II was loads better than Back to the Future I, mostly due to the inclusion of a hover skateboard… I do remember thinking that they would be invented by the new millenium… how wrong I was. Of course, Aliens and Terminator 2, with it’s cool liquid-metal-melty guy were also sequels that improved on the originals.

I hope this vid-blog follows the same path!

I am worried about part three though… when was the third movie in a trilogy the best???

Anyway. Lot’s of shiny stainless steel awaits!

5 thoughts on “The Birth of a Brewery Part Two

  1. Wow, this is looking great! And so different to your current set-up. You must be really excited to get in there now. I can’t wait to come up and have a look around.

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